Think about those times in your life when you have felt inspired to something really great. Where does that inspiration come from?
The Holy Spirit. God inspires us to do great things with our lives.
----Matthew Kelly

Welcome to The Not So Perfect Catholic!

Disclaimer: I am not a theologian, just a Catholic empty-nester trying to figure it all out. The views on this blog are my own.

Here We Go!

The thought of starting a blog dedicated to being Catholic popped into my head in the middle of Mass one Saturday evening. During the Homily, anyway. Not that it was a bad or boring homily, in fact, it was one of the best I’ve heard that particular priest give. My initial reaction was, “I’ve already got 3 blogs; surely I’m not supposed to start another one!” Since it came to me during Mass, it couldn’t be the devil trying to make me stay on the computer longer than I already am; could it?

Here’s how it happened: While looking around Matthew Kelly’s website (Dynamic Catholic) a couple of weeks ago, I found this thing called a “Mass Journal”. Being raised Catholic, bringing a book into Church was a “Protestant thing to do”. I mean, they’re the ones who carry their Bibles into church, highlight, and take notes during the sermons. Catholics just don’t do that. We’ve been taught to open up the missal/missalettes, follow along with Mass and the readings using these books that are in our pews. 

During the Homily, we listen to the priest (hopefully) relate the readings to our daily life. Well, Matthew Kelly suggests that we take a Mass Journal (and a pen!) into Mass with us, and jot down things that strike us during the Homily or the Readings. We use the journal during the week to reflect on what touched us during Mass.  

I was in a drugstore one day, and browsed the stationary section, just to see if there was a small journal that might be appropriate for a Mass Journal. I found one…a very small one that I could attach a pen to. I told myself I would wait until the Easter Season (which begins on Easter Sunday) to start. But, I already had the journal, so I thought I would try it out to see how it works.

So, there I was, listening to the Homily (which again, was very, very good) & taking little notes of things that Father said that I wanted to remember. And, here’s the weird thing: I’m reading a book called Confessions of a Mega Church Pastor (Allen Hunt). In the book, I had just read the part concentrating on Thessalonians (5:15): “See that none of you repay evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to all.” You’ll never believe what Father said in his Homily! He didn’t quote the verse, but he did talk about not repaying evil with evil.

I truly believe that there are no coincidences. So, I’m going to try this Catholic Blog and see what happens. My plan is to shoot for posting once a week to discuss what touched me during the Sunday Homily. I’m not a perfect Catholic by any means. I have an extremely long way to go to be anywhere near the Catholic my sweet mother was. I’d love for anyone who reads this (Catholic or not) to leave a comment with what touched them during the Homily/Sermon they heard.

P.S. Just after I posted this, I opened an email from The Dynamic Catholic, and here's what I read:
Coincidence?  I think not.

Think about those times in your life when you have felt inspired to do something really great. Where does that inspiration come from? The Holy Spirit. God inspires us to do great things with our lives.

1 comment:

    Great piece about how to know if the voice you hear is that of God.
    I have been enjoying the daily emails from Dynamic Catholic. Thanks for turning me on to them.


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