Think about those times in your life when you have felt inspired to something really great. Where does that inspiration come from?
The Holy Spirit. God inspires us to do great things with our lives.
----Matthew Kelly

Welcome to The Not So Perfect Catholic!

Disclaimer: I am not a theologian, just a Catholic empty-nester trying to figure it all out. The views on this blog are my own.

5th Sunday in Ordinary Time

The Gospel this week is something we have all heard: the disciples (before they were disciples) cast their nets but went the whole night without catching anything. But, when Jesus got in the boat and told them to cast their nets one more time, they loaded up 2 boats with fish. The men dropped everything and became Jesus' disciples. And the rest, as they say, is history.
The Homily today focused on trust. Do you remember a time when you were a kid and you were hanging from a tree or the monkey bars, and someone told you to let go? Remember how much trust it took to actually let go?  "Let go and let God" is exactly what the disciples did when they left everything behind to follow Him.
I'm a bit of a control freak. If I'm not in control of a situation, I get a little anxious. Father said that to follow Jesus, we have to get rid of the illusion that we're in control of our lives.
Have you heard the question (and I'm loosely paraphrasing because I can't remember the exact words & can't find it on the internet!) "What if, when you die, you find out there's no heaven?" And the response, "Oh, but what if, when I die I chose not to believe and there was?" That's faith.
I don't get how some people don't believe. How can anyone watch the snow fall, see fog on a mountain, hear a child laugh and sing, or hold their newborn baby in their hands and not believe? Why is it easier for some people to take that leap of faith and so hard for others? Even in our own families, why is it so hard?

Favorite quote of the Homily:
“If the child in the womb has no right to be born, if the sick and the old have no right to be taken care of – then there is no solid foundation to defend anyone’s human rights.”- - - Archbishop Jose H. Gomez

1 comment:

  1. Interesting questions. I think people choose not to believe because it would mean they have to be accountable to someone or something greater than themselves.


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