Think about those times in your life when you have felt inspired to something really great. Where does that inspiration come from?
The Holy Spirit. God inspires us to do great things with our lives.
----Matthew Kelly

Welcome to The Not So Perfect Catholic!

Disclaimer: I am not a theologian, just a Catholic empty-nester trying to figure it all out. The views on this blog are my own.

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Getting back in the swing of things after vacation is difficult. I failed to read the readings; failed to say my usual daily prayers. I did, however, look at a different part of the country with awe and I gave thanks to God for the blessing of living in this beautiful country and have the opportunity to see His work.
After reading today's readings, I had no idea where the priest or deacon was going to take his Homily. The deacon started by saying he & his wife just celebrated their 33rd anniversary. When they were newlyweds, he did the laundry and the dishes 1 day out of the month, which he thought was pretty good. He turned that story into a talk on service. The 1st Reading and the Gospel give us examples of the right way...and the wrong serve. We shouldn't serve to get an award; serving isn't about the details.
As a Speech Language Pathologist, I view my profession as a way to serve. I know that's the vocation God has called me to do. I have to keep reminding myself that I'm not in it for the rewards; especially when another co-worker gets accolades for something when I've been busting my hind-end. Since this is my last week of summer vacation, the deacon's words couldn't have come at a better time. 
The deacon spoke a bit about how Martha (in the Gospel) was so concerned about the details and how she was so worried. I found it a bit ironic that this reading was today, on the 2nd anniversary of my mother's very unexpected death. My mom was a worrier...a huge worrier. She was a very devoted Catholic, but she still worried. When my husband & I married, I was headed down the same path. He would tell me not to worry so much, that everything would work its way out. He taught me not to worry about everything...he taught me to trust in God. 
When someone gets married, you want everything to be perfect...and it rarely is. I wanted every Christmas to be perfect...and it never was. I've learned through the years to not sweat the details. Nothing is going to be perfect; you just have to learn to laugh it off and go with the flow. You have to learn to be the Mary.

1 comment:

  1. Your hubby and mine.... Joe has taught me to stop worrying too. One of his favorite sayings is "Worry is interest paid in advance for trouble that rarely comes."

    The Priest who presided this weekend at our Mass is retired and spent more time telling jokes than pulling the readings together with a lesson. I do love the Mary and Martha gospel, though. I strive to be more like Mary.


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