Think about those times in your life when you have felt inspired to something really great. Where does that inspiration come from?
The Holy Spirit. God inspires us to do great things with our lives.
----Matthew Kelly

Welcome to The Not So Perfect Catholic!

Disclaimer: I am not a theologian, just a Catholic empty-nester trying to figure it all out. The views on this blog are my own.

A Quotable Thankful Thursday

I'm sippin' my coffee out of my "Thankful" mug, thinking about what I'm most thankful for this week.

  • A couple of cool mornings this week. I usually walk in shorts and a sleeveless shirt but swapped it for a t-shirt those mornings. Unfortunately, it didn't it was back to sleeveless.
  • New, free books!
Well, technically they aren't "free" because I send in a small donation to Dynamic Catholic every month to help keep the evangelization going. In return, I receive new books from time to time, and monthly videos from the founder, Matthew Kelly (see one of his quotes at the top of the blog page) and Alan Hunt.

Today's entry from The Wisdom of the Saints: I believe though I do not comprehend, and I hold by faith what I cannot grasp with the mind. --St. Bernard of Clairvaux

  • Which brings me to my next thankful: my Faith. That probably should go without saying, but I love the beauty of the Catholic Church. I love that I can receive Jesus I also love that our Protestant brothers and sisters have taught us how to evangelize. I truly believe that, especially through converts, the Church is learning how to "get out there and do something" instead of keeping it to ourselves. Or, maybe I'm just more aware of it. Or it could be because I have chosen to surround myself with the Church. 
    This is a statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Fountain. It hasn't been working in several years but a couple of men got it up and running this week and put a bench in front of it. Just in time for the Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus (which is tomorrow). The Solemnity of the Birth of John the Baptist is usually on June 24th (6 months before Christmas Eve) but since the Sacred Heart is on the 24th, St. John's Baptism was celebrated on June 23th. 

  • Beautiful sunrises on my walk. 

I turned around as I walked across the street and saw this beautiful scene. During my morning walks, I say the Rosary (if you aren't Catholic, you may be interested to know that the reason the prayers are so repetitive is so that you can meditate on different parts of Jesus' life) and meditate on Jesus' life followed by listening to the daily Mass Readings and a reflection. This morning (again, keep in mind it's the Solemnity of Birth of John the Baptist) went right along with the "Thankful Thursday" theme. The readings were Isaiah 49:1-6, Psalm 139, Acts 13:22-26, and Luke 1:57-66, 80; all about knowing that God made each of us with a plan in mind. 

The reflection I listened to was (again) perfect for this Thankful Thursday:
The more you are grateful and give praise to God, that is a measure that you've grown in humility. ---Dr. Tim Gray, PhD, The Augustine Institute

Thanks, Rebecca, for traveling with us as we learn to become humble!


  1. WOW - that beautiful sunrise (almost) motivates me to get up and out of the house earlier!!:) What a wonderful way to start the day!

  2. Hi Mary. So glad you have had a good week. I am not Catholic, but I have Catholic friends who I admire very much. There is so much good in the Catholic church that all Christians must be grateful for. Thank you for explaining about the rosary. I had often wondered about that. I have a book about the Saints on my "to read" shelf. Lovely sunrise picture. I hope you have a good weekend.

  3. wanted to let you know I visited... we had a slight cooling too and it was needed but today back to extreme heat that is our country's new normal

  4. I love the moments where God takes your breath away with the beauty of nature!!!
    Love your Thankful mug!

  5. Mary, what a stunning sunrise. So glad to hear you had a good week.
    Visiting today from Thankful Thursday #7


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