Disclaimer: I am not a theologian. The ideas expressed below are my reflections on the Mysteries of the Rosary and how they relate to my life.
While in Eucharistic Adoration one day, the thought came to me to pray a Mystery of the Rosary using The Scriptural Rosary, then choose one verse that spoke to me and write about it. This post is the result of those writings.
The First Sorrowful Mystery: The Agony in the Garden
Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from me. Nevertheless, let your will be done, not mine.- Luke 22:42
In his humanity, Jesus asked His Father to not put Him through the Passion. How hard it is to do something you know you have to. This doesn't even begin to compare, but I think about the birth of my last child, knowing I had to deliver him without an epidural. I definitely didn't want to go through that pain, but I knew there was no other choice. Or, the times when my children were hurting both physically and mentally. It was something they had to go through while I could just be there for moral support. I also think about my husband's cancer and wonder how many times we both prayed that verse. There is no doubt we also had angels with us to help us through the pain and feelings of loneliness.
As you pray this decade, think of a time in your life when you prayed this verse and then give thanks to God for the angels that were sent to give you comfort.
The Second Sorrowful Mystery: The Scourging at the Pillar
...through His wounds we are healed. - Isaiah 53:5
Jesus went through this for me. Personally, for me. When I think of my husband's love for me and how he planned for my life after his death, it brings me to tears that someone could love me as much as he did. Then I think about Jesus and His sacrifice for me. Words can't even begin to describe the amazement. While my husband made sure I wouldn't have to worry about my future, Jesus made sure I was spiritually set. Both have demonstrated their love for me. I know I showed my husband how much I love him, especially during his last weeks, but do I show Jesus how much I love Him?
As you pray this decade, reflect on a love in your life. It may be your spouse, your child, or a family member. Then imagine how Jesus' love for you cannot compare to that love.
The Third Sorrowful Mystery: The Crowning with Thorns
Then Jesus came out wearing the crown of thorns and the purple robe. - John 19:5
How Mary's heart must have broken into tiny pieces when she saw her Son being ridiculed and bleeding. Even though she knew why and knew what was happening, she had to hurt so badly to just watch and pray. I don't know how she could have stood to see Him like that. It's torture when my boys are hurt and when they go through things that I can't do anything about. All I can do is watch and pray. What a beautiful role model Mary is. No matter what I'm going through, she has been through it. No matter what I'm feeling, she has felt it times a million.
As you pray this decade, give all of your hurts to Mary. She knows how you feel and will comfort you.
The Fourth Sorrowful Mystery: The Carrying of the Cross
And take up his cross every day and follow me. - Luke 9:23
Every day. Even when I'm tired, when I just don't feel like it. When I just want to stay in bed and hide. He is calling me to get up, grab my cross, and follow Him. He promises to be there to help.
And you will find rest for your would. Yes, my yoke is easy and my burden light. - Matthew 11:29,30
Jesus won't ask me to do anything as hard as what He did. He's not going to give me anything that we can't handle together. He's here with me to help carry my cross. Just as Simon helped Him, He will help me.
As you pray this decade, imagine Christ right beside you, helping to carry your cross. Feel the burden lift as you give your cross to Jesus.
The Fifth Sorrowful Mystery: The Crucifixion
And from that moment the disciple made a place for her in his home. - John 19:27
Jesus gave His mother to me, to every living person. Have I invited her into my life? How can I better welcome her? As a child, Mary was my comforter during storms. As a young mother, I looked to her for patience. As a widow, I look to her once again for comfort. She knows what it feels like to lose a spouse. She gave me hope when my husband was sick that I could live like he wanted me to. She is my inspiration.
As you pray this decade, think of how you have invited Mary into your life. What else can you do to make her welcome?
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